We Train the Next Generation of Women’s Health Researchers: We have a tradition of teaching and mentoring junior researchers in conducting women’s health research. We seek to provide junior researchers with the skills, tools, and perspective they need to conduct high-impact, scientifically-rigorous research that is relevant to women’s health.
LeAders in Urology, Nephrology, and non-Cancer Hematology (LAUNCH) Program
- Dr. Alison Huang is the administrative core lead for the NIDDK-funded LAUNCH Program, a multi-institutional training program for pre- and post-docs to creatively and collaboratively innovate in kidney, urology, and hematology (KUH) disciplines. The program spans four institutions in Northern California: University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Davis, and Stanford University.
The UCSF Center for Aging in Diverse Communities
- Dr. Alison Huang is program faculty for the UCSF CADC, an NIA supported Resource Center for Minority Aging Research, dedicated to understanding and reducing health disparities among older racial/ethnic and sexual & gender minority (SGM) populations.
VA Advanced Fellowship in Women’s Health (AFWH)
- Drs. Karla Kerlikowske, Vanessa Jacoby, and Sabra Inslicht are Co-Directors of the San Francisco VA AFWH. The program provides two years of post-residency or post-doctoral research, education, and clinical learning opportunities to eligible physicians and allied health professionals. Fellows spend approximately 75% of their time in research and education and 25 percent in clinical care in the San Francisco VA Comprehensive Women’s Health Center.
Women Veterans’ Mental Health Seminar
- Dr. Carrie Gibson oversees this monthly seminar run by San Francisco VA AFWH psychology research fellows and open to research faculty, trainees, and staff. The seminar schedule alternates between didactic training and works-in-progress, providing an opportunity for community-building, professional development, and development of research products in the area of women Veterans’ mental health.
UCSF-KPNC Urologic Epidemiology K12 Program
- Dr. Alison Huang directs the NIDDK-funded career development program designed to support junior faculty researchers in launching careers in epidemiologic research on benign urologic conditions, jointly held by UCSF and Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
- As RRTP co-director, Dr. Alison Huang directs UCSF's NIA-funded and NHLBI-funded Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR) R38 programs designed to guide a select few UCSF residents per year in pursuing more intensive, year-long research and research training experiences.
UCSF Clinical and Translational Sciences Training (CTST) Program
- Dr. Alka Kanaya oversees a multi-pronged program designed to support and expand discipline-specific research training programs for investigators translating "laboratory to human subjects" and "evidence into practice." This includes programs for junior faculty (UCSF's KL2 program), postdoctoral scholars (FAST-CaR), residents (RRTP), and medical students.