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Physical and sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence and leukocyte telomere length: A pooled analysis of the study on psychosocial stress, spirituality, and health.

PloS one

Warner ET, Zhang Y, Gu Y, Taporoski TP, Pereira A, DeVivo I, Spence ND, Cozier Y, Palmer JR, Kanaya AM, Kandula NR, Cole SA, Tworoger S, Shields A

Plasma glucocorticogenic activity, race/ethnicity and alcohol intake among San Francisco Bay Area women.

PloS one

Tachachartvanich P, Sanchez SS, Gomez SL, John EM, Smith MT, Fejerman L

Illicit opioid use following changes in opioids prescribed for chronic non-cancer pain.

PloS one

Coffin PO, Rowe C, Oman N, Sinchek K, Santos GM, Faul M, Bagnulo R, Mohamed D, Vittinghoff E

Randomized feasibility trial of directly observed versus unobserved hepatitis C treatment with ledipasvir-sofosbuvir among people who inject drugs.

PloS one

Coffin PO, Santos GM, Behar E, Hern J, Walker J, Matheson T, Kinnard EN, Silvis J, Vittinghoff E, Fox R, Page K

Estrogenic activity, race/ethnicity, and Indigenous American ancestry among San Francisco Bay Area women.

PloS one

Sanchez SS, Tachachartvanich P, Stanczyk FZ, Gomez SL, John EM, Smith MT, Fejerman L

Breast cancer subtype and survival among Indigenous American women in Peru.

PloS one

Tamayo LI, Vidaurre T, Navarro Vásquez J, Casavilca S, Aramburu Palomino JI, Calderon M, Abugattas JE, Gomez HL, Castaneda CA, Song S, Cherry D, Rauscher GH, Fejerman L

Reproductive period and epigenetic modifications of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway in the human prefrontal cortex.

PloS one

Bove RM, Patrick E, Aubin CM, Srivastava G, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, De Jager PL, Chibnik LB

Cigarette and e-cigarette dual use and risk of cardiopulmonary symptoms in the Health eHeart Study.

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Wang JB, Olgin JE, Nah G, Vittinghoff E, Cataldo JK, Pletcher MJ, Marcus GM
