
Pregnancy Outcomes in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Following Exposure to Ofatumumab (P4-4.007).


Kerstin Hellwig, Bassem Yamout, Riley Bove, Pranava Katkuri, Ulf Schulze Topphoff, Dee Stoneman, Ronald Zielman, Ratnakar Pingili, Maria Houtchens

American Academy of Neurology Telehealth Position Statement.


Hatcher-Martin JM, Busis NA, Cohen BH, Wolf RA, Jones EC, Anderson ER, Fritz JV, Shook SJ, Bove RM

Cardiovascular Risk Factors Across the Life Course and Cognitive Decline: A Pooled Cohort Study.


Yaffe K, Vittinghoff E, Hoang T, Matthews K, Golden SH, Al Hazzouri AZ

Telemedicine in neurology: Telemedicine Work Group of the American Academy of Neurology update.


Hatcher-Martin JM, Adams JL, Anderson ER, Bove R, Burrus TM, Chehrenama M, Dolan O'Brien M, Eliashiv DS, Erten-Lyons D, Giesser BS, Moo LR, Narayanaswami P, Rossi MA, Soni M, Tariq N, Tsao JW, Vargas BB, Vota SA, Wessels SR, Planalp H, Govindarajan R

Ocrelizumab Treatment Effect on Upper Limb Function in PPMS Patients with Disability: Subgroup Results of the ORATORIO Study to Inform the ORATORIO-HAND Study Design (P3.2-091).


Gavin Giovannoni, Laura Airas, Riley Bove, Alexey Boyko, Gary Cutter, Jeremy Hobart, Jens Kuhle, Jiwon Oh, Carmen Tur, Monika Garas, Fabian Model, Marianna Manfrini, Jerry S. Wolinsky

Global Teleneurology Service: First Insights (P2.6-045).


Riley Bove, Jalayne Arias, Andrew Barnecut, Linda Branagan, Felicia Chow, Jeffrey Gelfand, S. Andrew Josephson, Maya Katz, Catherine Lomen-Hoerth, Erica Schleimer, Nilika Singhal, Michael Wilson, Theodore Niyongabo, Aliza Norwood, Claudia Kaneza, Elizabeth Kohnen, Cathryn Christensen, Jon Van Leeuwen
