
Global Teleneurology Service: First Insights (P2.6-045).


Riley Bove, Jalayne Arias, Andrew Barnecut, Linda Branagan, Felicia Chow, Jeffrey Gelfand, S. Andrew Josephson, Maya Katz, Catherine Lomen-Hoerth, Erica Schleimer, Nilika Singhal, Michael Wilson, Theodore Niyongabo, Aliza Norwood, Claudia Kaneza, Elizabeth Kohnen, Cathryn Christensen, Jon Van Leeuwen

A Natural Language Algorithm Identifies Multiple Sclerosis Relapses from Clinical Notes With High Sensitivity (P3.2-002).


Tanya Krishnakumar, Chelsea Chen, Vincent Damotte, Erica Schleimer, Adam Santaniello, Jeffrey Gelfand, Antoine Lizee, Pierre-Antoine Gourraud, Jill Hollenbach, Riley Bove

In search of a there there.


Sara Catherine LaHue

Telemedicine Reduces Barriers to Care for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroinflammation (P4.378).


Riley Bove, Priya Garcha, Carolyn Bevan, Elizabeth Crabtree-Hartman, Ari Green, Jeffrey Gelfand

Effect of Pregnancy Loss on MS Disease Activity (P4.370).


Tamara Kaplan, Riley Bove, Kristin Galetta, Brian Healy, Tanuja Chitnis, Maria Houtchens

Continuous Wrist-Worn Accelerometry Captures Change in Average Daily Step Count in People with Multiple Sclerosis Over One Year (N5.001).


Valerie Block, Riley Bove, Anisha Keshavan, Chao Zhao, Carolyn Bevan, Elizabeth Crabtree-Hartman, Jennifer Graves, Ari Green, Mark Pletcher, Jeffrey Olgin, Gregory Marcus, Diane Allen, Bruce Cree, Jeffrey Gelfand

Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Multiple Sclerosis Relapses: A New Case Series, and Pooled Analyses of Existing Studies. (P4.366).


Kelsey Rankin, Chao Zhao, Jorge Correale, Kerstin Hellwig, Laure Michel, David Laplaud, Tanuja Chitnis, Riley Bove

High risk of postpartum relapses in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.


Klawiter EC, Bove R, Elsone L, Alvarez E, Borisow N, Cortez M, Mateen F, Mealy MA, Sorum J, Mutch K, Tobyne SM, Ruprecht K, Buckle G, Levy M, Wingerchuk D, Paul F, Cross AH, Jacobs A, Chitnis T, Weinshenker B

pRNFL as a predictor of medium/long term disability in MS patients (P6.031).


Christian Cordano, Vincent Damotte, Michael Devereux, Nicholas Baker, Riley Bove, Carolyn Bevan, Liz Crabtree-Hartman, Bruce Cree, Douglas Goodin, Jennifer Graves, Jill Hollenbach, Stephen Hauser, Roland Henry, Pierre-Antoine Gourraud, Jeffrey Gelfand, Ari Green

Towards a telemedicine-derived disability scale in multiple sclerosis (P3.369).


Riley Bove, Priya Garcha, Carolyn Bevan, Elizabeth Crabtree-Hartman, Mitchell Wallin, Ari Green, Jeffrey Gelfand
